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domenica 28 aprile 2013

The Ideal Sheets For Adjustable Beds Are Drawstring Sheets

The ideal drawstring sheets are Comfy Snug sheets. These sheets stay put and are excellent for the extreme demands posed by adjustable beds. These great sheets contain individual features developed to combat the common issues which other drawstring sheets have failed to resolve such as cord friction, corner binding, slipping cord locks and the like.

The main problem with adjustable beds along with healthcare beds etc. (quite often termed electric beds) is that the bed sheets will usually tend to move up or down the moment the bed is actually adjusted. This leads to significant amounts of inconvenience for folks who desire to have the convenience and also primary advantages of adjustable beds. Arising out of the bed to apply or straighten the linens defeats the reason for investing in a luxury adjustable bed. Similarly, gravity as well as weight of the person is likely to pull the sheet down from the head of the bed. And once the bed is adjusted down, the bed sheet will most likely end up baggy and loose about the upper part of the mattress. The sheet could also fall off the your bed completely.

Hospital Beds:

In the case of hospital beds where the ailing person is typically immobile or has partial immobility, trying to keep the common elastic sheet tight are generally a massive annoyance. Bed sores could be quite a serious problem and wrinkled bed sheets may very well be source of this commonly dangerous circumstance. Besides that moving the affected person or when the affected individual moves by himself, conventional elastic bed linen will move causing undue difficulty for everyone involved. Ultimately any movement can potentially upset usecured sheets.

Regularly occurring Issues With Other Drawstring Designs Solved:

The typical problems that other drawstring bed sheet designs include cord binding, uneven tightness and insufficient cord locking. The Comfy Snug sheet possesses a unique edge design that smoothly routs the cord around the bed in a smooth curve. This enables that the hem will likely not bind in the corners as the cord is not quickly turned at that point causing a elevated force concentration around the corner. This also distributes the pressure holding the sheet away from the corners and outward along the sides and ends of the bed creating an even tightness throughout the sheet surface. Additionally there is a gather panel in each corner providing excess material at the corners to allow a wide adjustability for varying mattress thicknesses. The last common problem with drawstring sheets of other design is the cord lock. The cord lock style on the Comfy Snug sheet possesses a exclusive wedge system that does not rely on a spring to hold the cord. It has a wedge that grabs the cord making use of the force in the cord to stiffen the grip. Due to the tremendous force on the drawstring in these bed sheets, a very sturdy non-slipping lock is important. With the wedge design slipping has been eliminated.

Through the use of comfy Snug drawstring bed sheets, adjustable beds can be enjoyed at a much higher level as the problems with the sheet shifting and becoming wrinkled, bunched or coming off altogether has been eliminated.

Click for more information to find the best sheets.

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