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sabato 8 giugno 2013

Choosing A Freezer For Your Home

Upright freezers and chest freezers are the two types of freezers that are available on the market. First, you need to know the amount of food you will be storing is important before you make your decision on which freezer to purchase. Generally, either type of standard freezer will be able to hold 35 pounds of frozen food per cubic foot of useable space. The sizes of most freezer are between 5.5 cubic feet to 25 cubic feet. You won't want to buy a freezer that is going to be too large to fill. This will be a waste of space, and of your money. Your freezer will run more efficiently the fuller it is.

The next consideration will be the floor space you have in your home for the freezer itself. Unlike upright freezer, chest freezers would require more floor room. Chest freezers, unlike upright freezers, are also more energy efficient. Better insulated than upright freezers are chest freezers and when they are opened, they lose less cold air. A better choice for freezing larger or bulky items is a chest freezer. Even though chest freezers don't have any shelves, they have bins for storing frozen items easily. For the simple fact that chest freezers are generally kept in basements or garages, they generally don't come in colors other than white. This type of freezer helps in preventing freezer burn on foods because they are a wetter environment. Also remember that you need to manually defrost chest freezers. You also need to consider a child safety lock which is an important feature for chest freezers.

When it comes to upright freezers, they are just like refrigerators/freezers. From the front, they will have one or two doors and for storage, they will have at least three to seven shelves. An upright freezer will require much less floor space than a chest freezer. Chest freezers don't have shelves like upright freezers, so organizing upright freezers is easier. You will want to decide if you want a manual defrost or self defrost freezer. Cheaper than self defrosting freezers are the manual upright freezers but then again, no one really wants to have to defrost their freezer.

Another thing you should consider purchasing is a freezer alarm. This can be a very good investment, especially if you have an older freezer as it will warn you with an alarm if the temperature in your freezer drops which can give you time to save your food.

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