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lunedì 26 marzo 2012

Why You Need To Get A United States Passport Card

Recently a man made headlines as he proclaimed the border patrol agents let him get through the Canadian/American border with just a scanned copy of his passport on his iPad. Although an interesting concept, it is not true. When presented with this information the agents specified that the man was let into the United States because he had other qualifying documentation. Due to recent stricter laws all those individuals wishing to cross into the US must have required travel documents; these documents constitute a passport replacement if their passport is lost or a U.S. passport card.

Passport Cards

Passport cards are incredibly useful for United States citizens who frequently travel to Mexico, Canada or the Caribbean. They are cheaper to get than a standard United States passport. Anyone who travels to these destinations on a regular basis for business or to visit relatives would be wise to get themselves a U S passport card. However, if you are going to do any travel overseas, you will still need to get a U.S. passport replacement.

Online Agencies

Any US citizen can obtain a passport card even if they have never applied for a passport before. Those that do have passports can also apply for a passport card, as they are much more convenient for travel. These cards can be applied for online and are even subject to emergency passport services for those that need them quickly.


It is a relatively simple process, compared to getting a regular passport, to get a passport card. First, you will have to show authorities some proof of citizenship. There are numerous things you can shoe to prove this including birth certificates or social security cards. Also, you will be required to fill out a few application forms before you get your passport card. Once you have taken all of these steps and sent in your forms and proof of citizenship, you will receive you brand new passport card in the mail. It should only take a couple of days for the process to be completed.

Back To The Border

The mans claim that states that he only showed a virtual copy of his passport is bogus. He also handed over his license and birth certificate. Only recently the laws at the Canadian border have changed, before a licence or birth certificate was all that was needed, and now passports, passport cards, or enhanced licences are required. However some officials try to work with the individual if they do not have the required documentation. And officials have stated it is ultimately up to the discretion of the officer as to whether or not an individual passes through. However, there is no guarantee that they will be let back in the country.

If you are interested in obtaining a pass port card or need a US passport replacement, you can go on the internet and search for passport agency that offers passport card services.

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