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mercoledì 25 luglio 2012

Finding Overcoming Power By Reading Bible Verses

Bible Verses About Strength

Throughout the years, the Bible has been a source of strength and encouragement for people. Right now across the world, people are looking for a source of strength. With our economy in shambles, people need something that will give them the strength to rise up and overcome.

Recently, I stumbled upon a Christian website called Taber's Truths Christian News and Commentary. It has over 125 articles that help people in their Christian walk. One of the articles I found was a list of Bible verses about strength (click here to read to the list). I found a lot of encouraging passages from the Bible on how to find the ability to overcome during difficult times.

The Scriptures is onne source to turn to when you are in the midst of difficult times. Pastor Duke Taber is really good about not being the religious uptight type, yet still giving you a good dose of optimism and encouragement. He is not into it for the money but provides the list just for the Lord.

If you are like me, there have been times in your life that you felt like quitting. I felt like someone should just stick a fork in me and call me done. It is during those times that the bible has been a lifesaver to me. It may not be cool and it may not be fashionable, but the Bible has great life lessons. This list I found was just awesome! It renewed my strength and courage! If you are like me, you like to share great discoveries.

Where do you find strength? Some find their inspiration from friends and family, some from motivational quotes, and others in very unhealthy ways. Those things are a drain on your strength in my opinion. I have found a source of inspiration from something that has lasted centuries! Yes the bible has hundreds of verses that talk of how to find strength, especially in hard times. If you need strength, maybe it is time to go to our true source of strength and ask our creator how to make it through tough times.

During these times of crisis, there is a source of strength that you can turn to.. Check the Scriptures out for yourself. What have you got to lose?! It never fails.

So take a moment and go check out the website I found called Tabers Truth's Christian News and Commentary.

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