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giovedì 30 agosto 2012

3 Facebook Advertising Tips that get Results

There's big secret about how well some advertisers are doing using Facebook's huge amount of traffic base. So are you doing business at Facebook? Here are just three outstanding Facebook advertising tips we want you to try out and then keep moving forward with positive action.

The smartest move you can make at Facebook is having a fan page and sending traffic to it as much as possible. First, fan pages are extremely important with Facebook marketing; so you will need one because you can then begin marketing your fanpage for highly targeted traffic. A fanpage is like preselling because your conversions will actually be higher than if you advertised with direct linking to your website or affiliate site. It's really simple, though, because it's just like relationship marketing and people develop a better warm fuzzy with your fan page. Marketing and building a fan page is like building an email list, and the more people (fans) you can get; then the more people you can contact and tell about an offer. Go ahead and test out this strategy and you'll know for yourself how well it works. Don't have a Facebook fan page? That's no problem because it doesn't cost anything to create one, and it's easy to do. When you create your fan page, keep in mind that by simply driving traffic to it and adding fans won't do anything. There is a strategy involved with it, and you will need to get people involved on your fan page. You will accomplish a lot more with this approach, plus you'll be building your base of fans.

Naturally, ad copy plays a huge role with any advertisement, and that is one thing you must test. It's not 100% about ad copy, but the percentage is great. Your ads must be different, and they must be different and effective at the same time. If you can write effective classified ads, then you will know what to do at Facebook. Good copy has a call to action statement telling people what action you want them to take.

In other words, you have to include a strong call to action, without which your ad would simply look plain and dull where the user doesn't even know what to do. If you know your target market, then you will know how to talk to them and use jargon they also use. So do the things that have been proven to yield good results, and you'll do well with your ads. As always, your mileage will vary - but you will have better mileage if you work at it.

Test the way your ads perform at various times. A lot of times you will see that an ad does better at a certain time of the day. Although Facebook doesn't have time features that allow you to select the time of the day to run your ads, but you can manually turn off your ads to determine the better times of performance. The downside of this is that it requires you to monitor the campaign closely. You will have to test various times of the day until Facebook gets this type of feature. One thing you need to realize concerning this discussion about is it can become as effective as you want; it depends on how you scale your promotions. A high percentage who start a business on the net do not have any idea, or much of one, about the power inherent in their personal thoughts and habits of thinking. If you stay in your business long enough and pay attention to your self, you will realize how much of an important part your daily thoughts have on how you perform in business. We tend to believe that only a certain percentage of people will realize how important attitude and belief are and will actively address it. So, do not be overly critical about your prospects for success, and instead look at what you have learned, here. Sometimes it seems that so much is just sitting right in front of our eyes, but it is the things we choose that either opens them or keeps them closed. In conclusion, this article describes how Facebook can be advantageous for financial profits. However, in order to get successful with it, you'd have to go through a lot of testing and tweaking, without which it's not possible to succeed.

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