One of the most important parts of setting up a web site is registering an appropriate domain name. It is important to register a domain that is easy for your customers to remember, and that represents what your site is about. When you search for a new domain, you may be disappointed to find that all of the good domains have already been purchased. However, it isn't essential to purchase a new domain. There are many existing domains that are available to be purchased.
The Advantages of Registering Expired Domain Names
One of the main advantages is that the expired domain will help you avoid the poor ranking that is usually associated with new domains. Commonly referred to as Google sandbox, the theory normally explains the effects suffered by the new domains as well as those that have been changing ownership frequently. To deal with this problem, consider buying an expired domain.
Expired domain names have already built up some PageRank. When you register an expired domain, you will be able to take advantage of this. New domains, on the other hand, do not have any PageRank. It will therefore take longer to build up any reputation.
You can utilize any previous promotion that had been done by the owner and this is mostly achieved through the backlinks that were built up.
One of the major disadvantages of registering an expired domain is the possible occurrence of enhanced automated programs otherwise known as robots. These are capable of derailing your website management and operations.
You might receive a huge number of spams that you have not bargained for especially if the domain name was receiving such when it was active. This consumes a huge chunk of your bandwidth.
Your new domain name may also have been blacklisted by the search engines. It will be difficult for you to have your own web site listed in the search engines if this is the case.
Purchasing an expired domain name can be a good way to boost your web site. However, as this post shows, it's not without its risks.
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