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mercoledì 29 maggio 2013

How Can Water Damage Be Prevented In The Laundry Room?

Usually located in the laundry room and create heat and moisture is the washer and the dryer. In order to help avoid water problems and mold, simple maintenance is required.
The following guides lines are simple to follow and will provide good tips and indications for potential water damage that can be caused by the washer, the dryer, hoses, filters, and the utility sink.

You need to perform these inspections every few months and try to be thorough while you are performing them.

The Washer

The washer is connected to both cold and hot water lines. Check them frequently. Start with the joints and fix a leak if you find it. Don't forget to check both ends of the water lines. Be sure to clean or replace the filter once in a while. A blocked filter will slow the water flow into the washing machine, and may cause some malfunctions. This problem is worse in areas with "hard water". Inspect the shut off valve by looking for drips into the washing machine while it is not in use. If you detect a leak, replace the valve.

b) Hoses and Filters

Just like in most appliances, often problems would start in the hose. Keeping at least 4 inches between the water connection and the back of the washer would be a good idea. With this space, you can prevent the hose from kinking and bursting. Once you have checked the hoses, replace them if they are old. Consider installing steel-braided hoses.

The Dryer

A ventilation hose is where the dryer is connected to. Check it carefully. The dryer ventilation hose must be connected to the outdoors. Search for lint behind and under the dryer and make sure the vent pipe is not clogged. The exhaust should be made as short as possible for the dryer to vent efficiently.

4. Utility Sink

The utility sink is sometimes the source for water related problems. How about if you search for links under the sink. A drip in the trap under the sink can be a sign for problems and should be repaired immediately. A partially blocked drain may be indicated by slow draining pipes. If you have a constantly dripping faucet, then you need to repair it promptly. If sink seals are cracked or loose, then you need to replace them. Indicating an internal leak that must be fixed before additional damage occurs are damped or stained walls around plumbing pipes.

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