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venerdì 6 settembre 2013

Hotel Amenities That Will Impress Your Guests

The first thing any guest does when they step foot into their hotel or motel room is take a tour of their new accommodation. Whether they are just staying overnight or for two weeks, all guests like to check out their new premises and take this grand tour.

Usually the tour will involve walking through the rooms, trying out the bed, inspecting the kitchen facilities, peering into cupboards, exploring the bathroom and examining the guest amenities and if there is one - absorbing the balcony views.

It doesnt matter where the guest is staying and where in the world they are from, nearly every single guest will take this tour. And nearly all guests, whether they admit to it or not, want to feel pampered and spoilt because quite frankly, they are paying to stay somewhere other than their own house!

And the best way to indulge your guests and make them feel valued is to ensure that your hotel amenities are the best they can possibly be. So here is a list of hotel supplies that when chosen well, are guaranteed to improve your guest ratings:

Hotel Soap
It is easy to perceive guest soap as having minor importance in the grand scheme of running a motel or hotel, but overlooking this small item could mean the difference between a great guest experience and a poor one. So make sure you choose one that smells great, feels great and packaged in a way that shows guests you care about them.

Hotel Towels
The quality of your hotel towels is important as no guest wants to jump out of the shower and dry themselves with tatty, limp towels. Supply soft, luxurious towels that will help your guests feel spoilt.

Hotel Linen
You may not see the difference automatically when you look at a bed, but when you jump into a bed your skin will immediately notice the difference between fresh, good quality hotel sheets and one without. So dont do a disservice to your guests, ensure that your hotel linen is made of a high quality textile.

Hotel Shampoo
This may be a hotel amenity that most women care about, and very few men do, however having the right hotel shampoo still contributes to higher guest satisfaction. So choose good quality hotel shampoo and not one that smells like a kitchen cleaning product.

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