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giovedì 5 settembre 2013

Hotel Supplies That Wont Disappoint

When arriving at a hotel or motel, most guests are tired, weary and often irritable. Chances are that the reason for this is because they have had to endure a long flight or car trip. Often they will immediately pick apart the customer service of your hotel concierge at check-in. They may also make a comparison in their minds about how the hotel actually looks to what they had expected when trawling online images.

It may seem that from the word go; you are fighting an upward battle to make your guests happy. But in truth, all that your guests are really looking for when they arrive is to feel valued and appreciated. In other words, they want you to show them that you care!

The easiest way to do this is to ensure that your hotel amenities are up to speed. So in no particular order, hotel supplies that wont disappoint your guests and make them feel loved are as follows:

Hotel Towels
Investing in good quality hotel towels is imperative in making guests feel important. They want to step out of the shower or bath and wrap a luxurious towel around themselves, not a limp inferior-quality towel. It may seem like such a minor detail but guests will appreciate when you take notice of the little things!

Hotel Linen
In the hotel and motel world, feeling really is believing! It is imperative that you invest in premium quality sheets that are soft to touch and feel great on the skin - as your guests will definitely appreciate it! Remember that they arent sleeping in their own beds and the aim is to make them feel so relaxed and comfortable that they think they are!

Guest Soaps
As unimportant as they may seem, hotels soaps are crucial in showing guests how much you care about their hotel/motel experience. Because a first-rate quality soap can make or break your guest experience, especially if it is one that provides the right amount of lather and fragrance and transports your guests to a peaceful, more heavenly place.

Hotel Shampoo
Women will often remember the better hotels from the mediocre ones just by the quality of the shampoo the hotel supplies. This is because women have a fondness for hair products that make their hair appear salon perfect as well as smelling divine. So if you want your hotel to get both thumbs up, especially from your female guests, invest in luxury hotel shampoos. Theyll not only want to come back theyll want to know which retailer stocks them so they can get their hands on it!

So, dont disappoint your guests by offering substandard second-rate hotel amenities, improve your guests experience at your hotel/motel. Your guests wont be disappointed and neither will you!

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