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domenica 8 settembre 2013

Introducing Aerial Photography

Kite aerial photography is really a beautiful photography technique: just like the name suggests, this system involves lifting a kite which has a camera attached with it. You has to be set either automatically or remotely for taking aerial photos. A big benefit of kite aerial photography is you don't need an established camera: you may take amazing aerial shots with disposable cameras likewise, and I tell you that from my very own experience. Besides, the kites also range between the simplest for the most complex ones, the sole thing every photographer must be aware of may be the stability from the camera. You has to be properly anchored for the kite, otherwise it risks to fall from 15-20 feet and up.

I have tried personally a steerable kite for taking gorgeous aerial photos of my city, and I have implemented a light-weight camera rig system to enhance the steadiness from the device. The extra weight from the rigs plays a pivotal role: kites are sensitive structures that cannot withstand tremendous weights, that is why you should choose good, strong yet light rigs (We have chosen carbon fibre rigs, that i suggest if you're going to concentrate on kite aerial photography).

One of several newest kite designs may be the helikite design, that is extremely light and it has an aerodynamic format that enables you to handle it easier. The type of kite you choose is crucial, as some kites fly at a higher angle than these. The key benefits of using thin air kites for example a rokkaku kite (that is definitely the) could be that the photos are wider, they have more "substance".

DIY Kite Aerial Photography

You should buy a kite that may be especially intended for kite aerial photography, so why spend a couple hundred dollars using one when you are able you could make your own, within several hours? These DIY projects are great and relaxing, and I explain to you from my very own experience: nothing comes close to the experience of satisfaction you obtain when you see your handmade kite is up there and your camera has taken steady, magnificent pictures!

Basically, you need four major components for aerial photography: a well-designed kite, line, camera and camera rigs. Make sure the kite is powerful enough to lift you camera (regardless of whether it's really a DSLR, a compressed camera or possibly a smartphone camera). The use of a DSLR, however, You should to get a Kodak klic-7004 charger. Concurrently, the rigs has to be solid and intended for high quality applications: you may choose aluminum rigs likewise, they are as lightweight as carbon fibre.

Mount the rigs for the kite with hard wire and make sure to help keep a small distance between camera plus the kite. Also, you must set the camera for taking photos automatically, We have set an interval mode of 10 seconds, which means that the camera took six photos each minute. On the other hand, if you use your smartphone's camera you may choose a useful different interval mobile phone applications intended for cameras. As being a safety tip, You should to secure the digital camera with bubble wrap just in case it is going to fall, particularly if want to send your iPhone around!

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