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lunedì 27 febbraio 2012

Organic Gardening Tips To Improve Your Family's Health

When the winter chill is out of the air and spring starts to settle in, a lot of people out there break out their shovels and plows and decide to plant a garden. If you want to plant a garden this year, why not make it an organic garden? Here are some fantastic tips you can use to make sure that your garden grows. Learn more.

Tomatoes make a healthy, productive addition to any organic garden. To get the most out of your tomatoes, make sure you plant them properly: Tomato plants need lots of air and sunlight. You should space your tomato plants with plenty of open air between them, and site them so that they catch at least 10 hours of direct light every day.

To rid your organic garden of bugs, try using a mixture of dish soap and water. Mix 2 tablespoons of dish soap into a gallon of water. Use a spray bottle to spray the foliage and soil around the plants. Before spraying your whole garden or even a whole plant, test the effect of the mixture on a few leaves and wait a few days before doing the rest. Best cat litter.

Use color to add interest to your organic garden. Warm colors like red, orange, and yellow can help create focal points and even make objects appear closer. If you have a small garden that you want to appear larger, try using warm colors in the front and cool colors in the back of the space.

If you have a compost pile, but have very few leaves to add to it this fall, try incorporating straw or hay into your compost pile. This is a great way to add carbon which is very beneficial to the growth and health of plants. The straw and hay may contain seeds, so it is best to use an organic weed spray on your compost pile to get rid of the unwanted weeds.

Use rainwater for your organic garden. Water can be collected in barrels when rain fall is at high levels, and then used on your garden during drought periods. This will help to conserve water and provide your plants with all the hydration they need. Most rain barrels have a spicket so you can attach your soaker hose directly to the barrel. Hurry over and see for yourself.

Do you now see why organic gardening is such a wonderful thing? Discovering that you can grow healthy plants and add them to your healthy diet, is indeed a thing of wonder and also, one of great skill. The tips in this article should have given you some great tips to begin building a good foundation and successfully grow your own organic garden.

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