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mercoledì 27 novembre 2013

DIY Holiday Gingerbread Men Cookies

There's a little fun side of me that adores The Nightmare Before Christmas and all Tim Burton movies, so I love these Cursed Cookie Cutters when I first saw them. If you love cute and creative cookie cutters, definitely check them out here.

I found a highly ratedat All Recipes and increased the servings to 60 since the cookie cutters are rather big. I ended up with about 30 cookies (unfortunately, 4 out of 30 became casualties as I accidentally broke them during plate transferring). I noted that the longer the cookies are in the oven, the better tasting and less breakable they are, so I would recommend putting in the oven 12-15 minutes instead of 8-10 minutes that the recipe calls for.

For the icing, there are 3 different options: sugar cookie icing, decorator frosting, and royal icing. However, when I was browsing through different royal icing recipes, I noticed that most recipes called for either egg whites or meringue powder.. When I was searching for good royal icing recipes, I came across recipes that use egg whites and recipes that use meringue powder. Since I was baking for a lot of neighborhood children for Halloween, I didn't want to run the risk of serving cookies with raw egg whites. that doesn't specify the ingredients, meringue or eggwhites, and they turned out fabulous. There are many youtube videos that teaches the techniques between a "filling" royal icing and an "outline" royal icing, which was super important to do royal icing right. that does not call for either ingredients and they turned out just fine! It was my first time ever royal icing cookies, so I googled the techniques on Youtube for doing royal icing right.

Then, comes the best time; to lay them out for the little kids to come trick or treating.. The kids were surprised and happy to see these cute cookies. To my delight, one cute trck or treater yelled out "This is THE House!"! Lol.

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